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Where can I find requirements for licensure to practice as a PA in Alabama?The Alabama Board of Medical Examiners issues licenses to practice as a PA. Complete details - including the application, a checklist, fees, details on temporary licensing, supervisory physician requirements and more - are available on their site.
What are CME requirements for maintaining my license?Alabama Board of Medical Examiners and Medical Licensure Commission rules require PAs to obtain certain CME credits for licenses, controlled substances registrations, and collaborative/supervisory practices. Detailed information can be found in the CME section of ALBME's site.
What are the guidlines for prescribing controlled substances as a PA in Alabama?ALBME rules contain requirements for prescribing and dispensing controlled substances as well as requirements for the use of risk and abuse mitigation strategies. For more information on prescription guidelines, maintenance of records, risk and abuse mitigation strategies and more, visit the prescribing issues section of their site.
What is the Physician Assistants' Advisory Committee?Alabama Board of Medical Examiners' rule 540-X-7-.30 establishes the Physician Assistants' Advisory Committee as a mechanism for the exchange of information between the Board and physician assistants through their representative organization on issues related to physician assistant practice. The Committee consists of four Alabama-licensed physicians, two of whom are members of the Board, and four physician assistants appointed by the Alabama Society of Physician Assistants.
How can I connect with other PAs in my area?ASPA hosts PA Pop-Ups across the state throughout the year. Details will be posted as they become available and ASPA will communicate via eblast.
I'm insterested in attending a PA program in Alabama. What institutions have approved programs?Faulkner University (Montgomery) Samford University (Birmingham) UAB School of Health Professions (Birmingham) USA College of Allied Health Professions (Mobile)
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