PAs in Your Practice
Are PAs in high demand?
Yes. The PA profession is one of the fastest growing in the country. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the profession to grow by 26.5% 2022 and 2032, significantly faster than the average for all occupations. The demand for PAs is so high that three quarters of PAs receive multiple job offers upon graduation.*
In what settings do PAs practice?
There are more than 178,700 PAs who practice in every medical setting in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. They work in hospitals, medical offices, community health centers, nursing homes, retail clinics, educational facilities, workplace clinics, and correctional institutions. PAs also serve in the nation’s uniformed services and work for other federal government agencies, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs.*
What is a Supervising Physician?
After an individual receives a PA license, and before being approved to practice in Alabama, a formal work relationship with a supervising physician is established by approved registration to the physician by the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners. An individual seeking to be a supervising physician must (1) hold a current, unrestricted license to practice medicine in Alabama and, on the date of application, (2) have practiced medicine (post residency/postgraduate education) for at least three years OR one year if board certified or practice site is limited to a hospital.
The application for registration of a PA, covering physician certification form and other relevant information is available on the ALBME website.